
Heart of the swarm cheat codes
Heart of the swarm cheat codes

heart of the swarm cheat codes heart of the swarm cheat codes

OverEngineeredCodePiece - Plays the song "Terran up the Night"

heart of the swarm cheat codes

Sta圜lassyMarSara - Access to all UNN Broadcasts NeverGiveUpNeverSurrender - Disables defeat conditions Lyingpect - Mission graph dialog selectable.ĭzmhairspring - Gives 5000 Custom resources.įurabranchery - Opens the UNN broadcast menu. Ypoonsvoicemail - Disable defeat conditions. Mintmansoperator - Disable food/psi requirement. Overengineeredcodpiece - Plays the song "Terran up the Night". Iamironman - Upgrade Weapons, Armor and Shields by 1. Realmendrilldeep - Grants 5,000 Vespene Gas.

heart of the swarm cheat codes

Tyuhasleftthegame - Disable Victory Conditions. Whysoserious - Add 5 billion credits to the Hyperion BattleCruiser. Moredotsmoredots - Remove the need for resources (Cost checking disabled). "overengineeredcodpiece" code, will prevent achievements from being earned until a new game is started or a saved game is loaded. Note: Enabling cheat codes, except for the Then, type one of the following codes and press to activate the orresponding cheat function. While playing the game, press to display the console window.

Heart of the swarm cheat codes